Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tickled Pink Tuesday and Tuesday Treasures Double Up

Happy Tuesday to everyone.

I am tickled pink to share some of my oldest teapot treasures today. It is a good idea for me to write about my tea treasures because I have completely forgotten when and where I bought these beauties. I know that it was early on in my marriage so that makes them over 30 years old and they have survived several major moves as well.

I know why I bought the cute cat one - I like cats. This was the first tea pot I ever bought. I think I may have decided to collect novelty pots and I know I was definitely egged on by my husband to buy the cow and the alligator purse. I can remember now that I nearly bought a pineapple pot from the Big Pineapple but it was too expensive and I bought a cup and saucer instead. I have no idea where that is now. It was pretty ugly anyway :)
My favourite is the cat pot. It is made of nice china and feels nice to handle. It only has copyright FF on the bottom ...

I have just looked up FF and have found out that I have a vintage 1980's Fitz and Floyd tea pot. Cool!

The cow just has made in China but the alligator has copyright Vandor. I looked that up and realize I am the owner of a Vandor Classic Collectable. It is made of pottery and feels a bit chalky and light. Unfortunately it chips easily and has a couple of small chips in it. I can't find any pictures of it online so maybe it is a really valuable one :)

I have had a lot of fun examining my old tea pots.  Don't forget to visit  Tuesday Treasures with Melody today and Tickled Pink with Allie and Cheryl on my tomorrow for their today :)
Happy Quilting,
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